
2022 校园 Climate Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Avila conducting this survey? 

At Avila, diversity, 股本, and inclusion are central to our mission, our values, and our success. We are conducting the 校园 Climate Survey to assess whether our values are reflected in the daily experiences of students, 工作人员, 和老师, in order to better understand the challenges of creating an environment that is respectful and inclusive for all. The questions in the survey will ask you to respond honestly, 作为这个社区的一员, and share your personal experiences and observations related to issues of diversity, 股本, 以及我们校园的包容性. The survey data collected will guide our process for diversity strategic planning in specific and 有形的 ways, 包括校园政策, 优先级, 资源的分配.


The climate survey provides an opportunity to tell stories about your experiences and tell us what specific things need to change to make Avila a more welcoming and inclusive place for all. 尽管调查是自愿的, in order for the data to be meaningful we need responses from a representative cross-section of the Avila community.

Your response to the survey is important. Each of us plays an important role in creating an inclusive environment that is respectful to all. Your participation in this survey and eng年龄ment going forward is essential to the university’s overall strategy for addressing these important issues. 

What kinds of questions are asked in the survey?

The survey includes questions that will help us understand how peoples’ social identities shape their experiences of belonging at Avila—including (but not limited to): 比赛/ethnicity, 性别认同(e).g., 女人, 男人。, 变性人, 那些表现和自身性别不符), 社会经济阶层背景, 性取向/身份, 年龄, 国家的起源, 残疾, 资深地位, 宗教或精神信仰, 以及政治信仰. We want your honest reflections on interactions with others on campus, your experiences in classrooms and labs, 学校/学院, 工作环境. You may skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. The survey includes some open-ended questions to enable you to share your experiences, 感知, 用你自己的语言表达你的想法. 

Who is being asked to complete the survey?

All members of the university community (all students, 教师, 工作人员, 兼职教授, and administrators) are being asked to participate and make their voices heard.  


You will receive an email containing a link to our 校园 Climate Survey on Monday, Feb 28th. Avila University is collaborating with the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) to administer the HEDS Diversity and Equity 校园 Climate Survey.

Will it be accessible to students with visual and other disabilities?

The survey platform, Qualtrics, is compatible with screen reader software.  If you are concerned about your ability to take the survey, please contact 莎拉 or 安迪   

What about confidentiality—will my name be associated with my responses? 

The purpose of this survey is to analyze trends and patterns in the experiences of people across our community, so the University is not interested in using this survey to analyze individual people at Avila. Your survey responses are confidential (to the extent allowed by law and university policy) and will be analyzed only after being grouped together with those of other students and employees. No individuals will be identifiable in any reports, presentations, or publications on the results. Names will not be linked to responses.


您的参与是自愿的. Whether you choose or decline to take the survey will in no way affect your standing at Avila. Individuals who have not responded will receive reminders after the initial invitation goes out to ensure a high response rate. Achieving the highest possible response rate is key to reliability of the results. While no one is under any obligation to participate, we strongly encour年龄 participation because the greater the level of participation, the more useful the survey results will be. By completing the survey, you are consenting to participate in the study.


On aver年龄, the survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. You may skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. 

What will Avila do with the results?

A team of researchers from the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS), will analyze the survey responses. A summary report will be released to the university community in the Fall of 2022. This report and the survey data collected will guide the University’s process for diversity strategic planning in specific, 有形的, 以及有影响力的方式, 包括校园政策, 优先级, 资源的分配.

Are there any incentives for participating?

In order to encour年龄 participation, respondents who complete the survey will be given an opportunity to complete a separate survey to be entered into a random drawing to win one of a number of prizes, 包括礼品卡, t恤, 还有赃物袋. 
