
Avila University Indigenous Peoples 土地确认 and 识别

我们恭敬地感谢堪萨斯城的买球推荐软件app排名, Missouri is located on the ancestral homelands of the Wahzhazhe (奥色治), Kanza(乌鸦), Jiwere (Otoe)和Nutachi (missouri)部落. The Pianshaw and Kaskaskia tribes had land here via treaty as well, as did the Shawnee and Delaware.

We also acknowledge there are many other Tribal Nations with ties to this land, including those removed to this land from their ancestral homelands and those traveling through this region on forced marches due to Indian Removal efforts. 波塔瓦托米人在阿维拉附近进行死亡行军.

This land acknowledgment gives gratitude to the original caretakers and affirms the continuing relationship between Indigenous People and this land. 作为这片土地的现任管家, 了解这片土地的历史是我们的责任, 那些在我们之前的民族, 以及他们与这个地方的持续联系.

It is our intent is to make this a true living acknowledgment that has an active commitment rather than just a statement. 像这样, we pledge to continue to work closely with the 堪萨斯城印第安人中心 and other Indigenous People to create an environment that encour年龄s learning about Indigenous People, 包括文化, 历史与当代经验. We thank those preceding us for their strength and resilience in protecting this land and aspire to uphold our responsibilities according to their example.

确认原则 & 识别

The 堪萨斯 City area is the ancestral homeland of the 奥色治 Nation. 其他部落考虑这个地区, (密苏里州/堪萨斯), 他们祖先的家园是法律(Kanza), 奥托和密苏里州. The 奥托和密苏里州 were originally from the Great Lakes Region, but migrated

在16世纪的某个时候从那里. 奥沙, Kanza, 以及其他与他们密切相关的部落, 古土堆的后裔是部落吗, 是谁在圣何塞附近建造了卡霍基亚土墩和甜面包土墩. 路易和通常被称为"霍普韦尔"部落的人.

恭敬地, we also acknowledge the tribes that were removed to reservations in this area through treaties and the Indian Removal Act. Tribes that were removed from their homelands and lived in the NW Missouri and Eastern 堪萨斯 region include Shawnee, 德拉瓦人(特拉华州), 怀安多特语, , 齐佩瓦族, 我们, 皮奥瑞亚, 迈阿密, 渥太华, 奥马哈, Sak & 福克斯(meskwakis),波塔瓦托米,爱荷华州和基卡普人. Sak & 福克斯(Meskwakies), Potawatomie, 爱荷华州和基卡普人在堪萨斯州仍有保留地, 距离堪萨斯城大约90英里. 其他部落再次迁移到俄克拉何马州.

All of these tribes have a story of their tribe’s Trail of Tears or as the Citizen Band Potawatomie’s call it, "死亡之路, 包括他们在这个地区旅行的故事.

印第安人历史 & 文化资源

作为这片土地的现任管家, 了解这片土地的历史是我们的责任, 那些在我们之前的民族 以及他们与这个地方的持续联系. We pledge to continue to work closely with the 堪萨斯城印第安人中心 and other Indigenous people to create an environment that encour年龄s learning about Indigenous people, 包括文化, 历史与当代经验.

The creation and man年龄ment of this virtual toolkit was done in collaboration with the 堪萨斯城印第安人中心 and the 奥色治 Nation Historic Preservation Office. It is a living document and will be updated as new information is gathered and verified.

  • National Museum of the American Indian (an active component of the Smithsonian Institution)
  • 美洲原住民文化(历史频道)
  • 印第安人历史 and Culture: Finding Pictures (Library of Congress)
  • Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans (USA.gov)
  • 印第安人/美洲原住民(国家档案馆)
  • 瓦扎哲文化中心(奥塞奇族)
  • 法律之国:南风之民
  • 奥托-密苏里部落
  • 肖尼部落
  • 特拉华部落(Lenape)
  • 怀恩多特的国家
  • 奇佩瓦印第安人(俄亥俄州历史中心)
  • 印第安那州的一个印第安部落
  • 俄克拉何马州印第安人皮奥里亚部落
  • 俄克拉荷马州的迈阿密部落
  • 俄克拉荷马渥太华部落
  • 内布拉斯加州奥马哈部落
  • 密苏里州的萨克和福克斯国家
  • 草原部落,波塔瓦托米部落
  • 堪萨斯和内布拉斯加州的爱荷华部落
  • 堪萨斯州的基卡普人部落
  • Shawnee 任务 Indian State Historic Site (堪萨斯 Historical Society)

堪萨斯城的印第安人 & 地方组织

美国印第安人中心成立于1971年., d/b/a 堪萨斯城印第安人中心 operates as the 堪萨斯 City area’s only multi-purpose social service 年龄ncy for American Indians

脸谱网页面. 就业 & Training Program for American Indians who reside in 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯 or Missouri.

在堪萨斯州的劳伦斯. Haskell is a unique and diverse inter-tribal university committed to the advancement of sovereignty, 民族自决, 以及部落固有的权利.


密苏里大学图书馆. 密苏里州目前没有联邦承认的部落. Most Native Americans were forced to leave the state during Indian Removal and this included all original tribes in Missouri. Information on this page concerns the original tribes of Missouri and the tribes who moved here after being forced from their land before they too were removed during Removal.

Indians at the Crossroads: The Native Activism of Bobby 和南希 Blue
作者:约书亚·米卡. 传记及口述历史. 鲍比蓝色的, 来自俄克拉何马州的乔克托族印第安人, 和南希, 他的妻子, were leaders in 堪萨斯 City’s American Indian community since the early 1960s. The Blues were integral in starting the first American Indian social club in 堪萨斯 City and later the city’s first federally-funded non-profit organization – the Heart of America Indian Center (HAIC).

Maps and other information provided by the 堪萨斯城印第安人中心 showing treaty lands and restrictions that existed in Missouri.


  • 1804 与萨克-福克斯条约1808-1809与奥塞奇条约
  • 1815 Peace and Friendship Treaties at Port年龄 des 苏族 (Missouri) – William Clark, 密苏里州州长和尼尼安·爱德华兹, governor of Illinois Territory extended invitations to the Chiefs of any Nation that touched the waters of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. 这些条约, 在1812年战争结束时, were to bring Peace and Friendship between the residents of Missouri and Illinois and the Native Americans and formed the legal basis later used to remove tribes from Missouri. 签署这些条约的部落是Potawatomi, Piankeshaw, 提顿, 苏族, 马考, 基卡普人, 怀安多特语, 奥色治, 狐狸, 爱荷华州.
  • 1815-1816 1821年密苏里州成为美国一州
  • 1825 Treaty with 奥色治 – ceded last remaining lands in Missouri 1825 Treaty with Shawnee – ceded last remaining lands in Missouri 1829 Treaty with Delaware – ceded last remaining lands in Missouri
  • 1832-与基卡普人签订条约, 皮奥瑞亚 and Piankeshaw – previously resettled tribes agree to leave Missouri 1832 Treaty with Sac-狐狸
  • 1836 Platte Purchase Treaty –爱荷华州 and Sac-狐狸 tribes ceded last remaining lands in Missouri
  • 一系列的条约 1830年,1833年,1836年和1854年, 奥托斯和密苏里割让了他们在密苏里的所有土地, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, and Nebraska—except for a reservation on Big Blue River in southern Nebraska.