

We are located inside of Dallavis Center, room 812B. Walk in the main door of the building and go straight through to the end of the hallway straight ahead!


You only need to come to the pantry, where you will be asked to sign in. This information is kept confidential and helps Harvesters supply us with food to match the need on our campus. Once you have signed in, you are free to shop the pantry! You can also sign-in in advance on the day of your visit 使用此链接. 请每次来我们这里都这样做!

Thanks for reaching out to us with this common concern. 在现实中, 随时通知, any of us can find ourselves in a life-changing situation that leads to food insecurity. Hunger and low nutritional quality food leads to headaches, 焦虑, 孤独, 不耐烦, 挫折, 能量减少. Food assistance is not a hand out—it is a hand up to physical health, 学术, 劳动力的成功, as well as emotional well-being and community connections. We are deeply committed to making sure that our shoppers are treated with respect, 尊严, 和支持. Shopping at FYF doesn’t mean you are failing—it means you understand that nourishment paves the way to success! Our pantry is anonymous, confidential, and discrete. Food choice and plentifulness is one way Avila can provide resources to improve health and quality in everyone’s life.

First, it is very normal to feel some nervousness the first time a person tries anything new! We hope that won’t stop you from coming to the pantry. We assure you that we are committed to making your use of the pantry as comfortable and easy as possible.

当你到达时, walk in and one of our staff or volunteers will usually be there to greet you and explain how things work. If the door is open and no one is there – you can go ahead and start shopping. Basically, the pantry is set up just like a small grocery store. You are welcome to browse selections and take whatever appeals to you. Some customers shop for their lunch that day, others come in to stock up for the week or month. We are available to answer questions or help, but no one will be watching you shop or judging your choices, 或者你选择的数量. If you would feel more comfortable with some help, 你可以随时邀请我们来帮助你, especially that first time when it might feel a little overwhelming. Pantry staff and volunteers are familiar with what’s in stock and are happy to help you by pointing out popular items, 或者找到你无法找到的东西, or just to save you some time if you are in a hurry.

当你准备离开的时候, your selections will be weighed so that we can keep track of how much food is being distributed so that we can replenish the shelves. Your use of the pantry is always confidential, and all of our volunteers and staff have been trained to respect your privacy. If you are worried that someone you know may be in the pantry when you shop, please know that we also ask our customers to respect each other’s privacy inside and outside of the pantry. 如果我们在食品储藏室外面看到你, your use of the pantry will never be mentioned, and it is up to you to decide if you want to interact with us or not. We’ll follow your lead and if you’d prefer not to interact, we will always respect that, too!

The FYF pantry is here to help end hunger in our Avila community and provide the joy of delicious and plentiful food options in everyone’s life. 我们希望你能很快来我们这里购物!”

Our hours of operation are updated each semester. 请参阅工作时间 & 位置 information in the right column page to find our current hours.

No, we do not have any type of verification process. 目前的阿维拉学生,教师和工作人员 are eligible to shop the pantry, 不管他们的收入如何.

喂你的朋友 提供食物分发服务 no cost to the customer and no payment involved,感谢 收割机,社区食品网络, other affiliated organizations, and private donors.

No, you currently do not need to bring anything with you at the time of your visit.

If pantry customers are able, please bring a reusable bag! 如果没有,我们尽量保留一些库存. If pantry customers do use one of our reusable bags we request that you remember to return them to the pantry or use them on your return trip(s)!

喂你的朋友 提供食物分发服务 no cost to the customer and no payment involved,感谢 收割机,社区食品网络, other affiliated organizations, and private donors.

If you’d like to support the pantry, you can donate by 点击这里. It will take you to our page with information on donations.

The pantry is always welcoming new volunteers. 如果你对志愿服务感兴趣, 请填一下这张表 说明你的兴趣和可用性.

The food pantry is man年龄d by a group of Avila students, 包括食品储藏室协调员, 食品储藏室助理, 训练有素的志愿者.

Lea Morvan, 食物分发处协调员
凯拉Cranwill, 食物储藏室助理
林赛Beardall, 喂你的朋友委员会主席


小时 & 位置

星期五:上午9点.m. – 12 p.m.
周末:预约 通过电子邮件

*High-need food and personal care items will be available at 任何时候 in the shelves located in the hallway next to 喂你的朋友

达拉维斯厅. 812

COVID-19安全协议 (截至10月. 13, 2020)


E: feedyourfriends@mcsoccer.net
