Access your Resources

We’re Here to Help

College is a major life change for most students that can leave you feeling lost, lonely, and overwhelmed. First, you’re not alone. That’s one of the beautiful aspects to a university like Avila — there are people on campus right now who know you, care about you, and will move mountains to help you. Use these quick links to Avila’s more visited resources to find your answers, and please don’t hesitate to ask for help. Start with the Avila Care Team. And remember, we’re only here because of you. Let us help.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) / Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Avila University Institutional Review Board

Your success is at the heart of every action we take across the Avila University campus. In fact, it’s so important, we created an entire center and team dedicated to your success. The  Center for Student Excellence is your place. Whether you are a first generation college student, a transfer student, a KC Scholar or struggling with the many demands placed upon you, we are here to help.  You can also contact your academic advisor, your favorite professor, your coach, your admission rep, your RA, or any faculty or staff on campus!

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