
What Will Your First Year Look Like?

Convocare. 点燃火焰. 哈利·波特. 杜鲁门杰出演讲. 深夜的早餐. 同学会. Your first year is going to be busy! 它实际上从夏天开始,你将加入阿维拉的公共阅读计划, which leads right into your First-Year Seminar.



  • 阿维拉护理团队–to help you with a crisis or if you have a concern about someone else.
  • 职业服务–to help with your resume and job search.
  • 咨询服务–to assist if you ever feel a little homesick or simply need someone to talk to.
  • 学生联络处 –to encour年龄 the development of your unique potential.
  • 卫生服务-帮助你保持健康.
  • 辅导是免费的–it is offered both online and face-to-face for your convenience.


FS 101:第一年研讨会是所有新生都必须参加的课程. The class is only offered in the fall semester as of now. 该课程旨在帮助一年级学生从高中过渡到大学. 课程中涵盖的主题将为学生提供在Avila学习期间取得成功的工具. 

每个第一年的研讨班有20到22名学生,两名教师和两名同伴导师. 这些小班让学生与同龄人建立联系和社区. 课堂上的学生被鼓励定期与他们的导师和同伴导师会面,讨论课程进展以及课程之外的事情. 

Judge Richard Gergel interacting with a small group of students
At the end of your First-Year Seminar, 从2021年开始,你对普通读物的看法将在像这样的出版物中分享.


The common reading book for the 2022-2023 school year is 我相信这一点: The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women. 所有一年级学生都必须阅读这本书,作为FS 101:一年级研讨会课程的一部分. 我们鼓励校园里的每个人都读这本书,加入与共同阅读相关的重要对话和讨论. ·Learn more about 我相信这一点 on the organization’s website here: http://thisibelieve.org/

·Listen to stories from 我相信这一点 on NPR here: http://www.npr.org/series/4538138/this-i-believe·


祝贺你加入一个以培养学生成为终身学习者并为全球社会做出有意义贡献为使命的社区. 为了开始关注你对全球社区的贡献,并向你介绍阿维拉的学术生活, you will be participating in a common reading program. 所有一年级学生都必须在夏季阅读选定的书籍,并在秋季课程开始前提交一篇文章. We are proud to provide you with a copy of our book selection for this year, 我相信这一点: The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women.


这个作业包括阅读《买球推荐软件app排名》,并按照下面的提示写一篇文章. Submit your essay as an attachment and send to: reading@avila.2022年8月1日星期一之前.


  1. Respond thoughtfully to the question outlined below. 你的回答应该通过使用具体的例子来展示你对这本书的了解,长度为3-4页.
  2. Demonstrate the following writing mechanics:
    b)用双倍行距,Times New Roman 12号字体,一英寸边距排版.
    c) Include your full name on the front page.
  3. 3)满足以下大学水平的写作要求:a)选择MLA或APA风格,在你的文章中引用我相信这一点时始终使用. For questions regarding MLA or APA style, you can reference http://owl.普渡大学.edu/owl/普渡大学_owl.html . b) Use the last name of the author of the specific chapter when quoting, 套用, or referring to a specific moment in the text and include a works cited page. 同样,使用MLA或APA样式. c) Use an author’s last name when referring them. (Example: Mayer, not Jack) d) Avoid slang or overly colloquial langu年龄. (例如:避免使用🙁或“lol”)


在读完《买球推荐软件app排名》的全文后, select three of the chapters to focus your answers around. Share the following for each chapter you choose. As you write, be clear which chapter you are referring to throughout.

  1. 你为什么选择这一章?
  2. What did you enjoy or dislike about the chapter?
  3. What resonated with you the most about this chapter?
  4. What is remarkable about this chapter author?
  5. 为什么这一章是相关的?


买球推荐软件app排名是一所天主教大学,由圣. Carondelet的约瑟夫, 提供文科和专业研究的本科和研究生教育, 培养终身学习者,为全球社会做出有意义的贡献.


Your responsibility as a first-year student is to read 我相信这一点 over the summer and submit an essay
prior to the start of fall classes. The details of the assignment are above. Once you have finished the book and essay, please retain them as both will be featured in First Year Seminar (FS 101), and the essay is a required component of the class. 我想强调这是你大学生涯的第一项学术任务的重要性, and your seriousness in completing the assignment should reflect its importance. 我对你和你成功完成这项任务有绝对的信心和信心. If you have questions, consider me your instructor and please contact me. 我是来帮忙的!

再一次。, welcome to Avila University whose mission and values are not just words, but truly an opportunity to live a life of intention.


Director of Student Eng年龄ment and Success
Adjunct 教师; School of Visual and Communication Arts

PS – If you selected to receive a paperback version of our common read book, and have not received a copy of the book, 通过上面的电子邮件联系我.


下载《买球推荐软件app排名》的兑换代码可以从您在SOAR收到的信中获得,也可以通过电子邮件发送给Dr. 佩吉·伊勒姆 佩奇.illum@mcsoccer.net.

Here are instructions on how to redeem the code:

You can enter your code in the space provided on this landing page. 在同一页, 你可以通过输入你的姓和名来创建一个“我的必读”帐户(如果你还没有), 电子邮件地址和密码.

这本电子书可以在iOS设备(iphone和ipad)和安卓设备(iphone和ipad)上使用My Must Reads应用程序阅读.g. Samsung cell phones and tablets) as well as on a laptop or PC. They aren’t compatible with Kindles or other e-reader tablets.


从苹果应用商店或谷歌Play下载“我的必读”应用到你的移动设备上,用你购买这本书时使用的电子邮件地址和密码登录该应用. 应用程序内部, tap on the three lines in the top left corner, 然后选择我的图书馆, 然后选择全部, then tap on the ebook you’d like to read.

You can also view the ebook on your laptop or PC by clicking on this link, 登录, and then clicking on My Library in the top right corner.

If you have questions or need support, visit MyMustReads.com. You can also contact help@mymustreads.com. Of course, you can also contact your Avila instructor, Dr. 佩吉,看佩吉.illum@avila.Edu或816-501-3760.

请按此下载pdf文件 of your first collegiate assignment and ebook instructions.

For a copy of the book, please reach out to 佩吉·伊勒姆 佩奇.illum@mcsoccer.net


  • 2021 – “Unexampled Cour年龄: The Blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodard and the Awakening of America” by Richard Gergel
  • 2020 – “Life in a Jar” by Jack Mayer
  • 2019 – “A Deadly Wandering” by Matt Richtel
  • 2018 – “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” by William Kamkwame and Bryan Mealer
  • 2017 – “The Distance Between Us” by Reyna Grande
  • 2016 – “While the World Watched” by Carolyn Maull McKinstry
  • 2015 – 《买球推荐软件app排名》作者:Jonathan M. 卡茨
  • 2014 -《买球推荐软件app排名》,作者:Benjamin Ajak, Bensen Deng, Alephonsian Deng, & 朱迪·伯恩斯坦
  • 2013 – “The International Bank of Bob” by Bob Harris
  • 2012 – “Unbroken” by Laura Hilenbrand
买球推荐软件app排名Harry S. 杜鲁门杰出演讲 Series Logo

哈利·波特. 杜鲁门杰出演讲 Series

Began in 1971, former President Harry S. 杜鲁门批准买球推荐软件app排名(当时的阿维拉学院)以他的名义举办系列讲座. Later that year, the first Truman lecture was delivered by David E. 他是福特基金会的副总裁,也是杜鲁门的第一位行政助理. Click the slider to read about recent lectures.


Subject of the book “Deadly Wandering”


2018 Truman Lecturer William Kamkwamba

Author of “The Boy Who Inherited the Wind”

2018 Truman Lecturer William Kamkwamba




2016 Truman Lecturer Carolyn McKinstry

Author of the Common Reading Book, “While the World Watched”

2016 Truman Lecturer Carolyn McKinstry


We want students to be connected to the campus community! 为了使这更容易,我们已经创建了一个第一年在Avila不和服务器. 在Discord中,你可以找到有关学生生活事件和校园其他事件的信息. 你可以和其他同学聊聊校园生活、音乐、体育,甚至找一个学习小组. 加入这里的不和: http://discord.gg/7tFd9XGkzX
